2015-11-13 10:38 GMT+03:00 Rafael Sadowski <raf...@sizeofvoid.org>:
> On Wed Nov 11, 2015 at 02:49:09AM -0800, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
>> 2015-11-10 22:01 GMT-08:00 Rafael Sadowski <raf...@sizeofvoid.org>:
>> > Hello @ports,
>> >
>> > update to the last stable 2.X branch before I'm ready with opencv 3.0.0
>> > and doxygen update. Tested on amd64
>> >
>> >
>> > Comments ? OK ?
>> >
>> > Best regards, Rafael
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> >  @lib lib/libopencv_video.so.${LIBopencv_video_VERSION}
>> >  @lib lib/libopencv_videostab.so.${LIBopencv_videostab_VERSION}
>> >  lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc
>> > -lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/site-packages/cv.py
>> > -lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/site-packages/cv.pyc
>> > -lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/site-packages/cv2.so
>> >  share/OpenCV/
>> >  share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig-version.cmake
>> >  share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig.cmake
>> This hunk looks like suscipious. The Python support was removed?
>> Couldn't that break ports depending on opencv in ports tree?
>> --
>>   WBR,
>>   Vadim Zhukov
> Thanks Vadim!
> Hmm, confusing. I don't know why, maybe a python or my clock problem
> (dual boot with win -- too busy to fix). But now it build the python2
> stuff on my build machine and my T400s.
> Could somebody build and check `make update-plist` for me?
> apart of that ok?

1. You need to re-run make port-lib-depends-check, too.

2. API obviously changed (see the libavresample addition in WANTLIB),
so what's with SHARED_LIBS?

  Vadim Zhukov

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