So, I'm having a devil of a time getting productivity/davical up and running.

This is on:

$ uname -a
OpenBSD 5.8 GENERIC.MP#0 i386

(I'm following -stable. Haven't checked for updates in a couple weeks, but I'm 
otherwise up-to-date.)

Everything is installed from packages from the local FTP mirror.

I first tried with httpd as the Web server and then with nginx at a suggestion 
from somebody on the Davical mailing list.

I can connect to /admin.php and add a user and that sort of stuff; the PHP / 
database / everything else side of everything is working.

However, I can't actually access any calendars with any CALDAV clients. And, 
according to the folks at the Davical mailing list, I should be able to browse 

and see something useful; however, I get a 404. And, when I browse just to 
/caldav.php, I just get, "Get requests on collections are only supported for 

Again, at the suggestion of somebody on the Davical mailing list, I tried using 
nginx instead of httpd, but the symptoms are identical.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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