Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> writes:

> On 2015-12-16 05:04, j...@wxcvbn.org wrote:
>> Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> writes:
>>> What would the decision be based on?
>> I think that those points should be enough.
>> - good reasons to use ICU in boost, not just "I need the ICU parts of
>>   Boost.".  What would be the benefit for the ports tree?
> I need normalize() to do Unicode normalization!

I'm glad to hear that you want to do Unicode normalization using ICU,
that is not a valid answer to what I said above.

We have one report here:


jirib didn't confirm that ICU was the only thing needed to make his
aegisub port work, and to my knowledge no existing port requires ICU in
boost.  The only benefit I can see so far is to have a boost package
similar to other distros.

> E.g. within locale(BC_LOCALE_UTF8).
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/locale/doc/html/group__convert.html
> Boost.Locale requires Boost to be compiled with --with-icu ,
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/libs/locale/doc/html/index.html
> says:
>      "In order to achieve this goal Boost.Locale uses
> the-state-of-the-art Unicode and Localization library: ICU - 
> International Components for Unicode.
>      Boost.Locale creates the natural glue between the C++ locales
> framework, iostreams, and the powerful ICU library."
> (Then it continues "Boost.Locale provides non-ICU based localization
> support as well. It is based on the operating system native API or on
> the standard C++ library support. Sacrificing some less important
> features, Boost.Locale becomes less powerful but lighter and easier to
> deploy and use library."  - but, there's an issue here that the
> C++/OS-bundled unicode normalization may be incomplete or broken so this
> is why you want ICU.)
>> - someone has to do the work, and that includes checking for potential
>>   breakage.
> Right, Kirill said you are looking into this already now

In this thread I see no mail from Kirill saying this.  Who is "you" in
this sentence?

Back to thumb twiddling,


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