On 12/27/15 20:50, Vadim Zhukov wrote:
> Hello all.
> At first, a small note for those who don't know: KDE nowadays consists
> three big collections of software:
> KDE Frameworks - mostly ex. kdelibs+kde-runtime.
> Plasma Workspaces - desktop components: KWin, panels, systray etc.
> KDE Applications - actual user applications and their more or less
> private components, including PIM stack, games, educational and so on.
> So here is a collection of ports used to build KDE Frameworks. It consists of:
> devel/kf5 - main stuff
> x11/kde-applications/Makefile.inc - contains additional tweaks for KF5
> x11/kde-applications/gpgmepp - optional but useful dependency
> If you want to play, just unpack it under /usr/ports, go to devel/kf5
> and type "make package".
> devel/kf5 directory in archive consists of a few additional files:
> * frameworks-list - list of all frameworks, including non-ported ones;
> at the present time there are exactly two non-ported frameworks,
> modemmanager-qt and networkmanager-qt, for obvious reasons.
> * test.pass, test.miss and test.fail - lists of frameworks currently
> passing, missing or failing their own tests, respectively.
> * calc_left - small script that lists sub-ports that are not packaged yet.
> I won't insist on comittin' those. I use them for automating my work.
> So the proposal is comitting files in this archive, and continuing
> work in-tree. The plan is to port Plasma, possibly adding something to
> x11/kde-applications if needed, and then start filling gaps in
> x11/kde-applications. I'm afraid that I'll be able to finish Plasma
> before lock, though.
> So... any okay to commit this piece of ...code?
> --
>   WBR,
>   Vadim Zhukov

Just got attracted to bluez-qt. As first thing to look at, had to start

COMMENT = Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus API
That didn't tell me much.

A quick look, BlueZ appears to be a Linux Bluetooth stack, that's what
my search turned up. bluez-qt has a dependency on bluez, which I can't
see as a port.

If there is no bluetooth - a qt wrapper around something that's not
there is not much use as a port.

bluez-qt is in test.pass, that's pass for effectively returning "No
bluetooth devices avail" and skipping the rest of the tests.

Maybe I just happened on the one bad example.

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