On 2016-01-04, Theodore Wynnychenko <t...@uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Hello
> I am not sure if this is the correct list, but...

ports@, with the maintainer CC'd would be better.

> I recently installed courier from packages.
> After installing courier-imap; I tried to start it with "rcctl start
> courier_imap", and it seemed to hang.
> So, I tried running /usr/local/libexec/imapd.rc directly, and saw an endless
> loop of "-".
> Eventually, found in /usr/local/bin/makedat, near the end, it had:
>       get_access | docidr | yes - "$tmpfile" "$dstfile" || exit 1
> I was confused by the "yes"; looked up the man page, and saw it was the
> offending command.
> It seems, the line should be:
>       get_access | docidr | /usr/local/libexec/makedatprog - "$tmpfile"
> "$dstfile" || exit 1
> or something like that.
> I don't really know exactly "how" to submit a diff (I was barely able to
> discover the problem); but I wanted to point this out.
> Thanks
> Ted

I'm not using Courier so it's untested, but it looks like it wants


not just


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