On Sun, 24 Jan 2016 16:10:03 +0100, Daniel Jakots
<vigdis+o...@chown.me> wrote:

ping ?

> On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 14:44:48 +0000, Stuart Henderson
> <st...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> > There's this code in lib/scapy/arch/unix.py:in6_getifaddr which
> > calls "ifconfig -l" which is expecting to see a list of interfaces:
> > 
> >     # List all network interfaces
> >     try:
> >         f = os.popen("%s -l" % conf.prog.ifconfig)
> >     except OSError,msg:
> >         log_interactive.warning("Failed to execute ifconfig.")
> >         return []  
> Indeed, thanks for spotting that.
> I fixed the problem (and it's merged upstream).
> > and it looks like it's also not parsing the "netstat -rn -f inet6"
> > output correctly in the function below that one. Could you take
> > a look please Daniel?  
> I looked at it and did some print debugging but AFAIU the code but it
> seems ok, so I don't know?
> With this updated diff, I removed what was in the patch
> patches/patch-scapy_arch_unix_py because what it does is looking for
> "L" in the Prio column in `netstat -rn -finet` but a L shouldn't be
> there.
> I also backported a diff from upstream to fix make test. Now make test
> doesn't need to be killed. Without root it's PASSED=760 FAILED=7 and
> with root it's even PASSED=767 FAILED=0 \o/
> Cheers,
> Daniel

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