On Mon, February 8, 2016 7:59 am, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote:
> tro...@kagu-tsuchi.com writes:
>> Seems that with the change to duplicity 0.7, the default sftp backend
>> changed.
>> The manpage was being patched to say the default was pexpect over
>> paramiko.
>> This is no longer true.  Remove the manpage changes.
> Was there a rationale for changing the default again?

Ok, it looks like we used to patch the default in globals.py but that
variable isn't there anymore so the patch went away.

Would we rather change the default (however that would work in 0.7) to
pexpect again?  Paramiko doesn't work for me as it doesn't understand
ed25519 ssh keys but I don't know if that is a global problem for all
OpenBSD users.


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