as far as I can work out flickcurl broke some time ago (June last year?)
when flickr started to enforce https. An update to 1.26 fixes it for me.

http://librdf.org/flickcurl/NEWS.html has this:
"Added new extras: url_q, url_n and url_c for new image sizes."

So I'm doing a minor bump SHARED_LIBS. But note that I'm cargo culting this,
no idea what I'm doing here ;)

I only recently found this port and only did some minor testing. If
there are heavy users out there please test this. (I guess not since
it's broken since a long time now.)

OK? (maintainer cc'ed)

diff --git Makefile Makefile
index 62ca84f..e1d6596 100644
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
 COMMENT =              flickr API library and utility
-DISTNAME =             flickcurl-1.25
-REVISION =             2
+DISTNAME =             flickcurl-1.26
-SHARED_LIBS +=         flickcurl   1.1      # 0.0
+SHARED_LIBS +=         flickcurl   1.2      # 0.0
 CATEGORIES =           net
 HOMEPAGE =             http://librdf.org/flickcurl/
diff --git distinfo distinfo
index ce7387a..5d51ee8 100644
--- distinfo
+++ distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (flickcurl-1.25.tar.gz) = TOlbZZ2i6nkLckS6pEHVnu8dt5R3hJH21wm3hFF9Vgs=
-SIZE (flickcurl-1.25.tar.gz) = 1856658
+SHA256 (flickcurl-1.26.tar.gz) = /0KjbHwcfTaCRva8m315LtKYNI5fD11DLkn2gDVi9aM=
+SIZE (flickcurl-1.26.tar.gz) = 1870073

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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