Michael Reed <m.r...@mykolab.com> writes:

> Maybe something is off in my ports tree, but net/syncthing's
> man pages are installed to the top-level /usr/local/man folder,
> as opposed to /usr/local/man/man{1,5,7}.


revision 1.2
date: 2016/04/23 08:02:05;  author: edd;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -2;  commitid: 
net/syncthing: fix a few bits.

pexp not needed in rc script, @extraunexec in PLIST, fix manuals.

jca | PGP : 0x1524E7EE / 5135 92C1 AD36 5293 2BDF  DDCC 0DFA 74AE 1524 E7EE

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