Some tests. I do not have the colors package installed, so I'm fetching it via
http. The good news pkg_info checks the signature. The bad news is the
messages are confusing and user hostile.

First, what happens when the key is missing?

$ pkg_info colorls 
Can't find key /etc/signify/ for signer
Fatal error: colorls-5.9 is corrupted
 at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 387.

The first error makes sense, the second does not. The package is not
corrupted. This error may also appear if I'm trying to install a package from
a third party.

Next, I restored the pubkey, but modified it so the signature wouldn't match.

$ pkg_info colorls 
signify: signature verification failed
system(/usr/bin/signify, -V, -q, -p, /etc/signify/, -e, -x,
-, -m, /dev/null) failed: exit(1)
Can't locate object method "log" via package "OpenBSD::PkgInfo::State" at
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 109.

The stderr message from signify is helpful, but unintentional I think, but
then come the perl messages that aren't helpful.

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