Le 2016-07-03 15:15, Sebastien Marie a écrit :

I might have been to quick to told OK. sorry.

Additionnal questions for people really aware in perl port stuff (or
more aware than me at least):

The package is pure perl code, I think `PKG_ARCH = *' has to be set.

When building, the following warnings are shown:
        Warning: prerequisite AWS::Signature4 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Devel::Caller 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Request 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Request::Common 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Hash::Merge 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite IO::Pty 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite IO::String 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite JSON::XS 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite LWP::UserAgent 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite List::MoreUtils 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Net::OpenSSH 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Net::SFTP::Foreign 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Sort::Naturally 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Test::Pod 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite Text::Glob 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite URI 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite URI::QueryParam 0 not found.
        Warning: prerequisite XML::Simple 0 not found.

As the build stuff is to copying, I think it is ok.

I am also unsure about RUN_DEPENDS regarding the wanted prerequisites.

The following perl packages will not be available at runtime:

  - AWS::Signature4             (and no package for it)
  - HTTP::Request               p5-HTTP-Message
  - HTTP::Request::Common       p5-HTTP-Message
  - Hash::Merge                 p5-Hash-Merge
  - IO::Pty                     p5-IO-Tty
  - IO::String                  p5-IO-String
  - Net::SFTP::Foreign          p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign
  - Test::Pod                   p5-Test-Pod
  - URI                         p5-URI
  - URI::QueryParam             p5-URI

And following packages seems to be unneed:
  - devel/p5-Term-ReadKey
  - net/p5-Net-SSH2

It seems also the test target isn't covered.

Please note that portgen(1) could be used to generate a complete port (+
missing ports):

$ portgen p5 Rex


What would be required to get the port imported ? I use it and actually I didn't had any error.


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