I was actually considering that naming convention, with only one minor caveat: 
it would break the current flavors. I see four possibilities:
a) keep symquotes and center_tilde, then add in flavors named directly after 
the remaining upstream patches
b) custom names for everything
c) all names directly after the upstream patches
d) leave it alone and if anyone wants to really customize, let them edit the 
makefile themselves

Discussing just a font for more than ten or so total messages feels like 
bikeshedding to me, so if we don't get a conclusive answer soonish, I'll 
probably just drop it (i.e. pick option d).
On 4 Sep 2016 4:23 p.m., "Dmitrij D. Czarkoff" <czark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Aioi Yuuko <yu...@cock.li> wrote: 
> >-FLAVORS = symquotes centered_tilde 
> >+FLAVORS = symquotes centered_tilde type_dv cyrillic_i distinct_l script_g 
> >high_k 
> This doesn't make sense to me.  There are 10 options and we have 7 
> FLAVORs with custom (albeit somewhat descriptive) names.  I'd rather go 
> for 
> FLAVORS = ao2 dv1 ge2 gq2 ij1 ka2 ll2 td1 hi2 br1 
> and refer to HOMEPAGE for details.  In the end, the font's defaults are 
> rather sane, and those who want to customize their font can probably 
> pick their preferences themselves. 

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