On Tue Sep 13, 2016 at 02:15:12PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Anthony J. Bentley wrote on Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 03:32:05AM -0600:
> > Jiri B writes:
> >> lftp man pages is odd, see section for 'mirror' command.
> > The lftp(1) manual uses tbl(7) macros, which need extra preprocessing.
> > pkg_create(1) doesn't do any preprocessing... although that's easy
> > enough to fix. (Anyone have an idea of how many USE_GROFF manuals use
> > troff preprocessors? Is it worth it?)
> I wouldn't oppose adding the comment requesting tbl(1) to the manual
> as suggested by espie@, but if we switch to mandoc, it is not needed,
> so handle that as you like.
> > USE_GROFF could also be removed from lftp. It's got some spacing and
> > line wrapping issues in mandoc though.
> Those are trivial and don't require USE_GROFF.  Arguably, the wrapping
> groff does is almost as ugly (considering the very narrow right column)
> as the overlong lines produced by mandoc.  I think if people want a
> really readable version of the manual, they should get an xterm(1)
> 132 columns wide and run "man -O width=130 lftp", which works fine
> if we remove USE_GROFF.  Even without the -O option, just dragging
> the xterm(1) window a bit wider helps readability with mandoc.
> So please simply commit the following patch.  Bumping makes sense to
> me because it makes the manuals more readable.  Besides, maybe we should
> start forgetting about the old special rule "dropping USE_GROFF only
> requires no bump":  It was useful in the past to prevent excessive
> bumping, but mass deletions no longer happen nowadays, and those that
> still happen usually happen for a specific reason, which often makes
> pushing them to users useful enough to warrant a bump.
> Yours,
>   Ingo
> P.S.
> I also added two low-priority entries to the mandoc TODO list.

I know of no Jiri B's "/usr/local/man/cat1/lftp.0"! man(1) shows me:

$ man -w lftp

Ingo's patch works for me and the man page looks OK. Ingo is the
mna(1) master, so I'm OK with the patch.

Kind regards,


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