
This is on a current system (fresh install):

# sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 6.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #2510: Fri Sep 30
09:49:52 MDT 2016

I am trying to build some ports using dpb(1).

All dependency packages built by dpb(1) required for further builds
are installed fine by the "workflow".

# pkg_info -L yasm
Information for inst:yasm-1.3.0p1

# echo $?

However, other packages built but not installed by the dpb(1)
(workflow) seem to cause issues with the system pkg_* tools:

# pkg_info -L xpdf
Error from file:./xpdf-3.04p1.tgz
unsigned package
Can't call method "is_signed" on an undefined value at
/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgInfo.pm line 392.

Above reference to "is_signed" makes me wonder if this is a fallout
from Espie's change(s)[1]

# pkg_info -L ./xpdf-3.04p1.tgz
# echo $?

Even for yasm, if I point pkg_info to the tgz file, supposed source of
the installed package, acts "funny":

# pkg_info -L ./yasm-1.3.0p1.tgz
# echo $?

Here is how pkg_add(1) reacts:

# pkg_add -vvvv ./xpdf-3.04p1.tgz
Can't find ./xpdf-3.04p1.tgz
Can't load quirk: Can't locate OpenBSD/Quirks.pm in @INC (you may need
to install the OpenBSD::Quirks module) (@INC contains:
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl /usr/libdata/perl5/site_perl
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/amd64-openbsd/5.20.3 /usr/libdata/perl5
/usr/local/libdata/perl5 .) at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/AddDelete.pm
line 280.

--- xpdf-3.04p1 -------------------
Can't install xpdf-3.04p1: not found

Any hints as to what I may be doing wrong here would be appreciated.


[1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=147336351812365&w=2

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