
===>  Building for mono-addins-1.2
Making all in Mono.Addins
gmake[1]: Entering directory 
sed -e "s/@ASSEMBLY_NAME@/Mono.Addins/" -e "s/@POLICY@/0.2/" ../policy.config > 
/usr/local/bin/al -link:policy.0.2.config -out:policy.0.2.Mono.Addins.dll 
ALINK: warning A99999: Path 'policy.0.2.config' in the resource name is not 
supported. Using just file name 'policy.0.2.config'
sed -e "s/@ASSEMBLY_NAME@/Mono.Addins/" -e "s/@POLICY@/0.3/" ../policy.config > 
/usr/local/bin/al -link:policy.0.3.config -out:policy.0.3.Mono.Addins.dll 
ALINK: warning A99999: Path 'policy.0.3.config' in the resource name is not 
supported. Using just file name 'policy.0.3.config'
sed -e "s/@ASSEMBLY_NAME@/Mono.Addins/" -e "s/@POLICY@/0.4/" ../policy.config > 
/usr/local/bin/al -link:policy.0.4.config -out:policy.0.4.Mono.Addins.dll 
ALINK: warning A99999: Path 'policy.0.4.config' in the resource name is not 
supported. Using just file name 'policy.0.4.config'
sed -e "s/@ASSEMBLY_NAME@/Mono.Addins/" -e "s/@POLICY@/0.5/" ../policy.config > 
/usr/local/bin/al -link:policy.0.5.config -out:policy.0.5.Mono.Addins.dll 
ALINK: warning A99999: Path 'policy.0.5.config' in the resource name is not 
supported. Using just file name 'policy.0.5.config'
sed -e "s/@ASSEMBLY_NAME@/Mono.Addins/" -e "s/@POLICY@/0.6/" ../policy.config > 
/usr/local/bin/al -link:policy.0.6.config -out:policy.0.6.Mono.Addins.dll 
ALINK: warning A99999: Path 'policy.0.6.config' in the resource name is not 
supported. Using just file name 'policy.0.6.config'
Building Mono.Addins.csproj
Cannot transition thread 0x2fd8b9a0 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x7f1c2b28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x88a0cd28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x86083028 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x7f1c2428 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Abort trap (core dumped) 
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: *** [Makefile:558: csproj_build] Error 134
gmake: *** [Makefile:340: all-recursive] Error 1

===>  Building for fsharp-
gmake -C src/fsharp all
gmake[1]: Entering directory 
gmake build-proto
gmake[2]: Entering directory 
cp -p 
cp -p 
cp -p 
gmake -C FSharp.Build-proto Configuration=proto build-proto
gmake[3]: Entering directory 
MONO_ENV_OPTIONS= /usr/local/bin/xbuild /p:Configuration=Proto
XBuild Engine Version 14.0
Mono, Version
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors

Build started 11/02/2016 05:21:01.
 (default target(s)):
        Target CallFsSrGen:
                Created directory "obj/proto/./"
 execution started with arguments:  
  obj/proto/./FSBuild.fs  FSBuild.resx 
        Target PrepareForBuild:
                Configuration: Proto Platform: AnyCPU
        Target GenerateResources:
                Tool /usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with 
arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FSBuild.resx,obj/proto/./FSBuild.resources" 
        Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
        No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, 
        Target CoreCompile:
execution started with arguments: -o:obj/proto/./FSharp.Build-proto.dll -g 
--noframework --define:CROSS_PLATFORM_COMPILER --define:DEBUG 
--define:OPEN_BUILD --define:FSHARP_CORE_4_5 --define:FX_ATLEAST_40 
--define:FX_ATLEAST_35 --define:FX_ATLEAST_LINQ 
 --optimize+ --resource:obj/proto/./FSBuild.resources 
-r:/usr/local/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Core.dll --target:library 
--nowarn:69,65,54,61,75 --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors 
--highentropyva-  --times --version: obj/proto/./FSBuild.fs 
../FSharp.Build/CreateFSharpManifestResourceName.fs ../FSharp.Build/Fsc.fsi 
                F# Compiler for F# 3.0 (private, test-signed)
                Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
                TIME:  1.0 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Import 
                TIME:  1.0 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Import 
mscorlib and FSharp.Core.dll]
                TIME:  2.4 Delta:  1.4 Mem:   0 G0:  11 G1: 11 G2: 11 [Import 
system references]
                TIME:  3.1 Delta:  0.7 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Parse 
                TIME:  3.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Import 
non-system references]
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  4.0 Mem:   0 G0:   5 G1:  5 G2:  5 
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
Interface File]
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
XML document signatures]
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
XML docs]
                TIME:  7.1 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
HTML docs]
                TIME:  7.4 Delta:  0.3 Mem:   0 G0:   1 G1:  1 G2:  1 [Encode 
Interface Data]
                TIME:  8.2 Delta:  0.8 Mem:   0 G0:   1 G1:  1 G2:  1 
                TIME:  8.2 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Ending 
                TIME:  8.3 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Encoding 
                TIME:  9.2 Delta:  1.0 Mem:   0 G0:   1 G1:  1 G2:  1 [TAST -> 
                TIME:  9.3 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [ILX -> 
IL (Unions)]
                TIME:  9.3 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [ILX -> 
IL (Funcs)]
                ilwrite: TIME      0.000 (total)        9.310 (delta) - Write 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.040 (total)        0.040 (delta) - Module 
Generation Preparation
                ilwrite: TIME      0.040 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Module 
Generation Pass 1
                ilwrite: TIME      0.070 (total)        0.030 (delta) - Module 
Generation Pass 2
                ilwrite: TIME      0.260 (total)        0.190 (delta) - Module 
Generation Pass 3
                ilwrite: TIME      0.270 (total)        0.010 (delta) - Module 
Generation Pass 4
                ilwrite: TIME      0.270 (total)        0.000 (delta) - 
Finalize Module Generation Results
                ilwrite: TIME      0.270 (total)        0.000 (delta) - 
Generated Tables and Code
                ilwrite: TIME      0.280 (total)        0.010 (delta) - Layout 
Header of Tables
                ilwrite: TIME      0.290 (total)        0.010 (delta) - Build 
String/Blob Address Tables
                ilwrite: TIME      0.290 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Sort 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.290 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Write 
Header of tablebuf
                ilwrite: TIME      0.300 (total)        0.010 (delta) - Write 
Tables to tablebuf
                ilwrite: TIME      0.300 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Layout 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.300 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Write 
Metadata Header
                ilwrite: TIME      0.300 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Write 
Metadata Tables
                ilwrite: TIME      0.300 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Write 
Metadata Strings
                ilwrite: TIME      0.310 (total)        0.010 (delta) - Write 
Metadata User Strings
                ilwrite: TIME      0.310 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Write 
Blob Stream
                ilwrite: TIME      0.310 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Fixup 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.310 (total)        0.000 (delta) - 
Generated IL and metadata
                ilwrite: TIME      0.310 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Layout 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.350 (total)        0.040 (delta) - Writing 
                ilwrite: TIME      0.490 (total)        0.140 (delta) - 
Finalize PDB
                ilwrite: TIME      0.490 (total)        0.000 (delta) - Signing 
                TIME:  9.8 Delta:  0.5 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
.NET Binary]
                TIME:  9.8 Delta:  0.0 Mem:   0 G0:   0 G1:  0 G2:  0 [Write 
Stats File]
        Target _CopyDeployFilesToOutputDirectoryPreserveNewest:
                Copying file from 
        Target DeployOutputFiles:
                Copying file from 
                Copying file from 
Done building project 

Build succeeded.
         0 Warning(s)
         0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:20.0738060
Thread 0x77aebc28 may have been prematurely finalized
Cannot transition thread 0x7bd22b28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x80b02628 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x80b02528 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x7bd22e28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Cannot transition thread 0x77aebf28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Thread 0x77aebc28 may have been prematurely finalized
Cannot transition thread 0x7bd22f28 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND

Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

Cannot transition thread 0x7bd22528 from RUNNING with FINISH_ASYNC_SUSPEND
Abort trap 

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