I've just tried pg_upgrade following the pkg-readme. It went OK in the
end but there were some bumps along the way. A few notes:

| 2) Upgrade your PostgreSQL package with pkg_add.
| # pkg_add -ui postgresql-pg_upgrade

-> fails unless you already have it installed. I think just "pkg_add
psotgresql-pg_upgrade" might be enough to get it updated?

| 3) Backup your old data directory:
| # mv /var/postgresql/data /var/postgresql/data.old

-> this didn't do what i expected because i had an old data.old so it
ended up in data.old/data/. i eventually worked it out after wondering
why pg_upgrade was telling me the version didn't match.

| 6) Run pg_upgrade:
| # su _postgresql -c "pg_upgrade -b /usr/local/bin/postgresql-9.5/
|                      -B /usr/local/bin -U postgres
|                      -d /var/postgresql/data.old/ -D /var/postgresql/data"

-> needs \ at the end of lines

-> current directory needs to be writable by _postgresql; maybe
cd /tmp first?

-> running it with \ added gives this:

# su _postgresql -c "pg_upgrade -b /usr/local/bin/postgresql-9.5/ \
> -B /usr/local/bin -U postgres \
> -d /var/postgresql/data.old/ -D /var/postgresql/data"
Performing Consistency Checks
Checking cluster versions                                   ok

connection to database failed: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

could not connect to old postmaster started with the command:
"/usr/local/bin/postgresql-9.5/pg_ctl" -w -l "pg_upgrade_server.log" -D 
"/var/postgresql/data.old/" -o "-p 50432 -b  -c listen_addresses='' -c 
unix_socket_permissions=0700 -c unix_socket_directories='/tmp'" start
Failure, exiting

... either we need instructions to temporarily switch from "local all
all md5" to "local all all trust", or show how to set the password
(which I haven't figured out yet for pg_upgrade).

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