On 2017/02/14 18:54, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> >> like every two weeks, ydl is broken, and the bi-weekly-or-so update
> >> fixes it.. ok ?
> >
> > ok.
> Its a race to force users to view their ads...
> > I wonder how get-flash-videos manages to stay working though..
> >
> Nobody cares about Flash any more? :) YT might have also stopped caring.

This mail doesn't make much sense. youtube-dl and get-flash-vidoes are
doing basically the same thing, scraping the video website so they can
download videos. (the "flash" in get-flash-videos is as much a misnomer
as the "youtube" in youtube-dl, they both work for multiple sites, many
of which don't actually need Flash any more). One tends to stay working
through youtube changes, the other doesn't.

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