On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 05:37:24PM +0100, lvdd wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running the snapshot from March 9 and got the lastest firefox-esr
> 52.0 yesterday. Unfortunately this new version seg-faults even with
> light web browsing. Video watching is close to impossible. I am
> running with the standard login.conf and have no elevated resources
> assigned.
> Is anybody else seeing this?
> #1  0x00000d9c7fbdd55d in XRE_TelemetryAccumulate () from 
> /usr/local/lib/firefox-esr-52.0/libxul.so.4.0
> #2  0x00000d9c806e104e in 
> _ZNSt6vectorIS_IhSaIhEESaIS1_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJS1_EEEvDpOT_ ()
>    from /usr/local/lib/firefox-esr-52.0/libxul.so.4.0
> #3  <signal handler called>
> #4  0x00000d9a5fe01928 in mozalloc_abort () from /usr/local/bin/firefox-esr
> #5  0x00000d9a5fe017d6 in mozalloc_handle_oom () from 
> /usr/local/bin/firefox-esr
> #6  0x00000d9a5fe01747 in moz_xmalloc () from /usr/local/bin/firefox-esr

I didn't check firefox-esr, but I am working on firefox-52.0 for the
same problem: Out-of-memory.

I could only speak for firefox-52.0, but as esr is 52.0 too, it could be
the same problem.

With https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/380a46afcf85, firefox
starts to allocate a big chunk of memory (640Mo under amd64) for js/jit,
and to manage itself the allocation.

So I suspect you need to raise your datastack limit in login.conf (and

firefox-esr seems to have better chance than firefox: firefox also have
https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/8fad3aa8fd46 patch, which
makes it to requiert 1Go instead of "just" 640Mo...

Sebastien Marie

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