A desktop user reported "aw snap"s and hangs in Chromium (51.0, on a
6.0-stable system) in linkedin, mostly during searches. I'm trying to
create an account there to check if it also happens on -current too
but haven't been able to:

- If I try to create an account with Chromium, I enter Name/Email/Password,
click Join Now, the button greys out but it just spins. Not sure if it's
related but when I select the password box, I get this on console:

[35311:112030272:0313/115918.940732:ERROR:KeyboardEventManager.cpp(424)] Not 
implemented reached in static bool 

- If I try to create an account with Firefox, I enter Name/Email/Password,
click Join Now, I get a recaptcha "I am not a robot" page, but clicking on
it displays the captcha again.

There's also an annoying UK webshop (broadbandbuyer.co.uk) that also tries
to force a recaptcha if I use it from OpenBSD (I guess they're doing some
user-agent check or something), I get a similar thing where the recaptcha
just gets displayed again when I click on it.

Any ideas anyone?  Do others see problems with recaptcha on OpenBSD?

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