
I'm using dpb to keep the ports that are installed on my system up to
date.  With the recent bump in libc version, it meant that most ports
were rebulit.

I have 2 CPUs, and dpb usually builds two ports at a time (or one port
in parallel).  However, while rebuilding llvm and ghc I observed that
ghc was being built as one job while llvm clearly used a parallel build
with two jobs at the same time.

The output from dpb at the time of building looked like

    13 Apr 13:06:04 [44683] running for 04:50:21
    lang/ghc(build) [30186] 98%
    1*devel/llvm(build) [64378] 84% frozen for 20s
    Hosts: localhost
    I=287 B=8 Q=18 T=106 F=0 !=1

but top showed two concurrent cc1plus processes belonging to the llvm
build (thoughout the build).

If dpb is allowed to do a parallel build of a package, does that mean
that it'll do that regardless of whether another build is running?  How
should I interpret the '1*'?

This might have been the result of unlucky scheduling on dpb's part as
both ports take a really long time to build...


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