On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 12:32:35PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2017/06/14 21:46, Helen Koike wrote:
> > I updated to rdate and removed ntp from the dependencie list. Plese see
> > attachment.
> Sorry for the delay getting back to this. Can you check it still works with
> these changes please? New tar.gz attached, commentary below.
> If this still works for you, then it's OK sthen@ for another dev to
> import it (or I can do that if I get an OK from someone else).

It'd be nice to make these patches upstreamable instead of patching over at some
Anyway, some remarks:

- Could you sort the rc_ vars in the rc.d scripts? (rc_bg, rc_reload).

- Also make sure you use tabs and not a mix or tabs and spaces in the rc.d 
for consistency.

- google_instance_setup.rc and google_network_setup.rc: ${_bg} is a no-op and
rc_reload should come before the functions overrides. Also what's the purpose of
the _CHECK variable?

- google_shutdown_scritps is weird. As far as I understand it, it's only meant
to run on startup; can't we fiddle with rc_start=NO ?

- the pkg-readme is pretty useless as is

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