On 06/23/17 13:34, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2017/06/23 13:23, Martijn Rijkeboer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Attached is a new port, databases/citus. Citus is an extension that adds
>> horizontally scale to PostgreSQL.
>> ---
>> pkg/DESCR:
>> Citus horizontally scales PostgreSQL across multiple machines using
>> sharding and replication. Its query engine parallelizes incoming SQL
>> queries across these servers to enable human real-time (less than a
>> second) responses on large datasets.
>> Citus extends the underlying database rather than forking it, which
>> gives developers and enterprises the power and familiarity of a
>> traditional relational database. As an extension, Citus supports new
>> PostgreSQL releases, allowing users to benefit from new features while
>> maintaining compatibility with existing PostgreSQL tools.
>> ---
>> OK?
>> Kind regards,
>> Martijn Rijkeboer
> : COMMENT =       extension to horizontally scale PostgreSQL
> : DISTNAME =      citus-6.2.2
> : GH_ACCOUNT =    citusdata
> : GH_PROJECT =    citus
> : GH_TAGNAME =    v6.2.2
> remove the DISTNAME, this is the default with those GH_* variables anyway.
> : #SHARED_LIBS =  ???
> remove
> : BUILD_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server
> : RUN_DEPENDS =           databases/postgresql,-server
> this should be:
> LIB_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql
> RUN_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server

Here's an updated version that includes your comments.


Kind regards,

Martijn Rijkeboer

Attachment: citus-6.2.2-take2.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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