On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 04:25:19PM +0200, Peter Hessler wrote:
> call:         geteltorito CD-image > toritoimagefile
> example:geteltorito /dev/sr0  > /tmp/bootimage
> The perl-script will extract the initial/default boot image from a CD if
> existant. It will not extract any of other possibly existing bootimages
> that are allowed by the El Torito standard.
> The imagedata are written to STDOUT all other information is written to
> STDERR (eg type and size of image).
> If you want to write the image to a file instead of STDOUT you can
> secify the filename wanted on the commandline using option -o <filename>
> Helpful for extracting Thinkpad BIOS updates so you can put them on a
> usb stick to install......
> I put it in archivers because we're extracting data out of a larger
> container.  sysutils would also make sense.
> OK?

Looks OK to me, just some nits regarding DESCR:

I would put these lines at the end of DESCR, not on top:

call:   geteltorito CD-image > toritoimagefile
example:geteltorito /dev/sr0  > /tmp/bootimage

And change /dev/sr0 to a device that can be used on OpenBSD.

I suggest to rephrase:

The perl-script will extract ...

to this:

geteltorito will extract ...

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