On Friday, July 28, 2017, Kaashif Hymabaccus <kaas...@kaashif.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello ports@,
> Please find attached a port for wmutils, a set of programs for
> manipulating and getting information about windows.
> pkg/DESCR:
> wmutils is a set of tools for X windows manipulation. Each tool only has
> one purpose, to make it as flexible and reliable as possible. This
> package includes tools to list, kill, move, teleport, focus and resize
> windows, and more.
> --
> Kaashif Hymabaccus
> GPG: 3E810B04

I was actually just about to publish this port. :p However, should we also
create a port for the https://github.com/wmutils/opt repository of tools or
bake them into this one? And if they're separate, should we rename this one
"wmutils-core" and the "opt" repository "wmutils-opt"?

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