
Attached is a port of Gnuboy, an old-school Game Boy Color emulator.

I've been using this one for years, because it only requires SDL,
and not one billion other dependencies.

The code is quite old, so I had to chose between several sources.
Some forks added new features and new bugs, so the best source I could
find was a raw dump of the latest official release, with just enough
fixes to build.  Then, I took the most important patches from some
other forks, and fixed some other bugs.

The asm code is really old so I'm not enabling it.  Same thing for the
other backends, they're mostly broken, so I'm only enabling the SDL one.

patch-lcd_c fix some endianness issues in a way that's not very elegant.
If someone knows how to make it better, I'll take it.

Tested on loongson and macppc (and with clang as well on loongson).

Attachment: gnuboy.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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