Hi Brian,

Brian Callahan writes:
> On 08/03/17 05:07, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Kobo Redux is a frantic '80s style 2D shooter with the look and feel a
> > '90s arcade cabinet, the smoothness of current technology, and a matching
> > soundtrack. The gameplay is fast, intense and unforgiving, while trying to
> > tone down the frustrating quirkiness of the actual games of the '80s. A tru
> e
> > challenge in the spirit of the arcade era!
> >
> > The full game, which provides improved graphics and music, can be purchased
> > from: https://olofson.itch.io/kobo-redux
> >
> >
> > ok?
> >
> This is ok by me once audality2 is imported.
> One question though, and maybe suitable for inclusion in a pkg-readme: 
> if I buy the full game, how do I turn this into the full game (or can I 
> not do that)? I don't think it's worth advertising the purchase in 
> pkg/DESCR if we can't.

Turns out there are three "versions" of the game.

- The demo (graphics not in the repo)
- The full game with a retro-style graphics theme
- The full game with kobodl-style graphics (for sale)

We should be building the second one, not the first one. Getting the
third is just a matter of buying the game and copying the themes over.
Updated port attached.

Anthony J. Bentley

Attachment: koboredux.tar.gz
Description: koboredux.tar.gz

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