
Tidy is a console application for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, UNIX, and more.
It corrects and cleans up HTML and XML documents by fixing markup errors and
upgrading legacy code to modern standards.

libtidy is a C static and dynamic library that developers can integrate into
their applications in order to bring all of Tidy's power to your favorite
tools. libtidy is used today in desktop applications, web servers, and more.

Now, tidy used to be in tree. It was removed in 2011 and replaced with
www/tidyp, because tidy had been dead since 2007 and tidyp had seen
commits in 2010. Unfortunately, tidyp never saw commits again. tidy,
meanwhile, was picked up again in 2015 and now has HTML5 support.

Is undoing this just a matter of importing tidy, removing the
"'tidy' => 'tidyp'" quirk and the "@pkgpath www/tidy" in tidyp?
(Switching the tidyp consumers back to tidy? Removing tidyp?)

Anthony J. Bentley

Attachment: tidy.tar.gz
Description: tidy.tar.gz

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