On Sun, Aug 20 2017, Kaashif Hymabaccus <kaas...@kaashif.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello ports@,
> Please find attached a port for 2048-cli.
> pkg/DESCR:
> 2048-cli is a terminal-based version of the popular 2048 web game.
> Supports animations, colors, stores your high score, and includes an AI.
> Builds and works well on amd64 and sparc64.

Untested, but the port Makefile seems to hardcode -O2.  This should
probably be patched out.

jca | PGP : 0x1524E7EE / 5135 92C1 AD36 5293 2BDF  DDCC 0DFA 74AE 1524 E7EE

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