I just wanted to build the bacula client package on my orange pi one and am
winding up building a huge chunk of the system.

Why are there so few packages built for the arm systems?


This is what has been built in the last 48 hours (other than nano and wget)
and the latest error that stopped the build in qt4:


# pkg_info

adwaita-icon-theme-3.24.0 base icon theme for GNOME

at-spi2-atk-2.24.1  atk-bridge for at-spi2

at-spi2-core-2.24.1 service interface for assistive technologies

atk-2.24.0          accessibility toolkit used by gtk+

autoconf-2.13p4     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.52p6     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.59p5     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.61p5     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.63p1     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.65p1     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.67p1     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.68p1     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

autoconf-2.69p2     automatically configure source code on many Un*x

automake-1.10.3p8   GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator

automake-1.11.6p2   GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator

automake-1.15.1     GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator

avahi-0.7           framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery

bash-4.4.12         GNU Bourne Again Shell

bison-3.0.4p0       GNU parser generator

boost-1.58.0p8      free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries

bzip2-1.0.6p8       block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered

cairo-1.14.10       vector graphics library

cdparanoia-3.a9.8p3 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification

cmake-3.9.1         portable build system

cmocka-1.1.1        elegant unit testing framework for C

cups-libs-2.2.4p0   CUPS libraries and headers

curl-7.55.0         get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers

dbus-1.10.22v0      message bus system

dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.10.22 DBus setuid helper for starting system

dconf-0.26.0        configuration backend system

desktop-file-utils-0.23 utilities for dot.desktop entries

docbook-4.5p1       technical documentation XML/SGML definitions

docbook-dsssl-1.79  modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD

docbook-xsl-1.68.1p5 docbook XSL modular stylesheet

freetds-0.95.95p2   database drivers for Sybase/Microsoft SQL Server

g++-4.9.4p6         GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler

gcc-4.9.4p6         GNU compiler collection: core C compiler

gcc-libs-4.9.4p6    GNU compiler collection: support libs

gcr-3.20.0          library for bits of crypto UI and parsing

gdbm-1.13           GNU dbm

gdk-pixbuf-2.36.9   graphic library for gtk+2

gettext-    GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs

gettext-tools- GNU gettext development and translation tools

glib2-2.52.3        general-purpose utility library

glib2-networking-2.50.0p3 network-related gio modules for GLib

gmake-4.2.1         GNU make

gmp-6.1.2p1         library for arbitrary precision arithmetic

gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10p5 collection of documentation utilities for the
GNOME project

gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0p3 base icon theme for GNOME

gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0p2 base icon theme extension for special UI

gnugetopt-1.1.6p0   GNU getopt(1) utility

gnupg-2.1.23        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement

gnutls-3.5.15       GNU Transport Layer Security library

gobject-introspection-1.52.1 GObject Introspection

graphite2-1.3.10p1  rendering for complex writing systems

gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.24.0 collection of shared GSettings schemas

gstreamer-0.10.36p10 framework for streaming media

gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36p15 base elements for GStreamer

gtk+2-2.24.31p1     multi-platform graphical toolkit

gtk+3-3.22.19       multi-platform graphical toolkit

gtk-doc-1.26p0      GTK C code documentation system

gtk-update-icon-cache-3.22.19 gtk+ icon theme caching utility

gvfs-1.32.1         GNOME Virtual File System

harfbuzz-1.5.0      text shaping library

help2man-1.47.4     generates simple manual pages from program output

hicolor-icon-theme-0.16 fallback theme of the icon theme specification

icon-naming-utils-0.8.90p1 compatibility tools from the Tango project

icontool-0.1.0      suite of tools for managing icons in an application

icu4c-58.2p5        International Components for Unicode

intltool-0.51.0p1   internationalization tools

iodbc-3.52.10       ODBC 3.x driver manager

iso-codes-3.75      lists of the country, language and currency iso names

iso8879-1986p0      character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)

itstool-2.0.2       translate XML documents with PO files

jasper-1.900.1p5    reference implementation of JPEG-2000

jpeg-1.5.1p0v0      SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg

json-glib-1.2.8     JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications

jsoncpp-1.8.2       JSON parsing C++ API

lcms-1.19           color management library

libarchive-3.3.2    multi-format archive and compression library

libassuan-2.4.3p0   IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme

libcroco-0.6.12     generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project

libdaemon-0.14p1    lightweight C library that eases the writing of daemons

libelf-0.8.13p3     read, modify, create ELF files on any arch

libexecinfo-0.3p0v0 clone of backtrace facility found in the GNU libc

libffi-3.2.1p2      Foreign Function Interface

libgcrypt-1.8.1     crypto library based on code used in GnuPG

libgpg-error-1.27p0 error codes for GnuPG related software

libiconv-1.14p3     character set conversion library

libidn2-2.0.0       implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain

libksba-1.3.5p0     X.509 library

libltdl-2.4.2p1     GNU libtool system independent dlopen wrapper

libmng-1.0.10p3     Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library

libmpc-0.9p1        complex numbers math library

libnettle-3.3p0     cryptographic library

libogg-1.3.2p0      Ogg bitstream library

libpaper-   library for handling paper characteristics

libproxy-0.4.15p0   library handling all the details of proxy configuration

libpsl-0.17.0       public suffix list library

librest-0.8.0       access web services that claim to be RESTful

librsvg-2.40.18     SAX-based render library for SVG files

libsecret-0.18.5    library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets

libsigsegv-2.10p2   library for handling page faults in user mode

libsoup-2.58.2      HTTP client/server library for GNOME

libtasn1-4.12       Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library

libtheora-1.1.1p3   open video codec

libtool-2.4.2p0     generic shared library support script

libunistring-0.9.7  manipulate Unicode strings

libusb1-1.0.21      library for USB device access from userspace

libvorbis-1.3.5     audio compression codec library

libxml-2.9.4p2      XML parsing library

libxslt-1.1.29      XSLT C Library for GNOME

lynx-2.8.9pl16      text web browser

lz4-1.8.0p0         fast BSD-licensed data compression

lzo2-2.10           portable speedy lossless data compression library

m4-1.4.18           GNU m4

mariadb-client-10.0.32v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)

meson-0.42.0        next-generation build system

metaauto-1.0p1      wrapper for gnu auto*

mpfr-        library for multiple-precision floating-point

nano-2.8.1          Pico editor clone with enhancements

nghttp2-1.25.0      library for HTTP/2

ninja-1.7.2p1       small build system with a focus on speed

npth-1.5            new GNU Portable Threads Library

orc-0.4.24          library and toolset to operate arrays of data

p11-kit-0.23.2p0    library for loading and enumurating of PKCS#11 modules

p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30 US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text

p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12 perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class

p5-XML-Parser-2.44  perl module for parsing XML documents

p5-XML-SAX-0.99     framework for the Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters and

p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09 base class for SAX drivers and filters

p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.51 SAX2 driver based on expat

p5-XML-Simple-2.24  trivial perl API for reading/writing XML

p5-libintl-1.26p0   internationalization library written in Perl

pango-1.40.11       library for layout and rendering of text

pcre-8.38p0         perl-compatible regular expression library

pinentry-1.0.0      PIN or passphrase entry dialog (ncurses interface)

png-1.6.31          library for manipulating PNG images

postgresql-client-9.6.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS (client)

postgresql-server-9.6.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS (server)

py-MarkupSafe-1.0   implements an XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string

py-alabaster-0.7.10 configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme

py-babel-2.4.0      I18N/L10N tools for Python

py-beaker-1.6.2p5   session and caching library with wsgi middleware

py-crypto-2.6.1p4   cryptographic tools for Python

py-docutils-0.12p1  process plaintext documentation into other formats

py-imagesize-0.7.1p0 getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file

py-jinja2-2.8.1     fast, optionally sandboxed, Python template engine

py-libxml-2.9.4     Python bindings for libxml

py-mako-0.9.1p3     super-fast templating language

py-pygments-2.1.3p0 Python syntax highlighter

py-setuptools-28.6.1p0v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules

py-six-1.10.0p0     Python 2 and 3 compatibility library

py-snowballstemmer-1.2.1p0 snowball stemming library collection for Python

py-sphinx-1.4.8p0   python documentation generator

py-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.2.4 readthedocs.org theme for Sphinx

py-stemmer-1.3.0p1  snowball stemming algorithms, for information retrieval

py-tz-2017.2        Python API for dealing with timezones

python-2.7.13p2     interpreted object-oriented programming language

python-3.6.2        interpreted object-oriented programming language

quirks-2.323        exceptions to pkg_add rules

rarian-0.8.1p16     documentation metadata library

re2c-0.16p2         C-based regular expression scanner generator

rhash-1.3.5         utility and library for computing hash sums

shared-mime-info-1.8 shared mime database for desktops

source-highlight-3.1.8p0 create a document with syntax highlighting

sqlite-2.8.17p4     Embedded SQL implementation

sqlite3-3.20.0p0    embedded SQL implementation

tcl-8.5.19p0        Tool Command Language

texi2html-5.0       texinfo to HTML converter

tiff-4.0.8p1        tools and library routines for working with TIFF images

tk-8.5.19p0         graphical toolkit for Tcl

tremor-20120410p1   integer-only, fully Ogg Vorbis compliant decoder library

unzip-6.0p11        extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive

vala-0.36.4         compiler for the GObject type system

wget-1.19.1         retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP

xmlto-0.0.28        front-end for converting XML files to various formats

xmltoman-0.4        xml to manpage converter

xz-5.2.3p0          LZMA compression and decompression tools

yelp-tools-3.18.0   utilities to manage documentation for Yelp and the web

yelp-xsl-3.20.1     XSLT stylesheets for yelp




:getOwnPropertyDescriptorDelegate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::Identifier const&,

/usr/ports/pobj/qt4-4.8.7/build-arm/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.0: undefined
reference to `WebCore::JSLocation::setHostname(JSC::ExecState*,

/usr/ports/pobj/qt4-4.8.7/build-arm/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.0: undefined
reference to `WebCore::JSLocation::setProtocol(JSC::ExecState*,

/usr/ports/pobj/qt4-4.8.7/build-arm/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.0: undefined
reference to

/usr/ports/pobj/qt4-4.8.7/build-arm/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.0: undefined
reference to `WebCore::JSLocation::replace(JSC::ExecState*)'

/usr/bin/ld: warning: creating a DT_TEXTREL in a shared object.

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

gmake[3]: *** [Makefile.WebKit:110: tst_qwebframe] Error 1

gmake[3]: Leaving directory

gmake[2]: *** [Makefile.WebKit:57: sub-qwebframe-all] Error 2

gmake[2]: Leaving directory

gmake[1]: *** [Makefile.WebKit:198: sub-WebKit-qt-tests-all-ordered] Error 2

gmake[1]: Leaving directory

gmake: *** [Makefile:797: sub-webkit-all-ordered] Error 2

*** Error 2 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2441 '_internal-package')

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2420 'package')

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/x11/qt4
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2420 'install')

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2075

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2511

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:1940

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2441

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2420 'package')

*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:1958

*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/sysutils/bacula
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2420 'install')



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