BTW, several packages failed to build because of the xlocale issue that
was recently fixed.

On 2017 Sep 12 (Tue) at 13:32:40 -0600 (-0600), wrote:
:bulk build on
:started on  Thu Sep 7 01:35:58 MDT 2017
:finished at Tue Sep 12 13:31:04 MDT 2017
:lasted 06D04h55m
:done with kern.version=OpenBSD 6.2-beta (GENERIC) #59: Wed Sep  6 03:25:28 MDT 
:built packages:6526
:Sep 7:341
:Sep 8:112
:Sep 9:303
:Sep 10:647
:Sep 11:1332
:Sep 12:3790
:build failures: 67
:Base libs:
:c.90.0 crypto.42.0
:X libs:

Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're the scenic route!

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