Most of the "missing libraries" issues are related to how our ancient
binutils handles DT_NEEDED, vs how llvm's lld handles DT_NEEDED.

arm64 only has llvm's lld, and does not have any binutils ld.

ld.bfd follows DT_NEEDED, while ld.lld requires all of those to be
specifically listed in the link command.

amd64 and other arches do not see this, because they still use ld.bfd as
their linker.

On 2017 Oct 09 (Mon) at 08:47:23 -0600 (-0600), wrote:
:bulk build on
:started on  Mon Oct 2 09:28:24 MDT 2017
:finished at Mon Oct 9 08:46:46 MDT 2017
:lasted 07D16h18m
:done with kern.version=OpenBSD 6.2 (GENERIC) #31: Sun Oct  1 16:22:19 MDT 2017
:built packages/home/phessler/bin/[21]: cannot create /tmp/foo: 
Is a directory
:cat: /tmp/foo: Is a directory
:rm: /tmp/foo: is a directory
:build failures: 102
:Base libs:
:c.90.0 crypto.42.0
:X libs:

Man 1:  Ask me what the most important thing about telling a good
        joke is.

Man 2:  OK, what is the most impo --

Man 1:  ______TIMING!

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