On 11/07/17 09:04, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2017/11/07 14:57, Frederic Cambus wrote:
Hi Brian,

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:01:21PM -0400, Brian Callahan wrote:
Here is a new port: www/newsboat

It is the continuation of Newsbeuter (www/newsbeuter) which is now

I had to add the attached patch and the following line change in the port
Makefile to make this compile with proper optimization flags:
Thanks for pointing this out. New tarball attached using a MAKE_ENV
directive instead, which prevent introducing a patch.

Comments? OK?

It otherwise looks ok. You're going to add a quirk so that newsbeuter users
get migrated to newsboat, yes?
That's the plan. Once this goes in, I will send another mail to propose
www/newsbeuter for deletion and add a quirks entry.
tj@ didn't want to do that for some reason.

Oh. Hmm. I wonder why.
Anyhow, I don't think that should prevent newsboat from being imported.

I do have one last nit, and with that has my ok to import:
We probably don't want -Werror around, since it may well cause unexpected and stupid breakage on other archs. Fortunately, adding this line in the port Makefile:
removed it. It also removes -Wall and -Wextra, but I don't think we really need to care about such things, except when testing at update time. But if you want to add those back, I'm ok with that too.


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