Hey ports@,

https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool is very useful when it comes to
analysing firmware images and often used in to extract certain regions
required to build coreboot images.

pkg/DESCR (from the homepage):

UEFITool is a cross-platform open source application written in C++/Qt,
that parses UEFI-compatible firmware image into a tree structure,
verifies image's integrity and provides a GUI to manipulate image's
elements.  Project development started in the middle of 2013 because of
the lack of cross-platform open source utilities for tinkering with UEFI

Upstream uses A44 as tagname so I stripped the A in PKGNAME.

Only UEFITool is the only one of three projects listed in
MODQMAKE_PROJECTS. The other ones aren't required and also fail to build
due to missing includes (didn't spend much time trying to fix it).

Runs fine on my X230. Feedback? Anyone willing to commit?

Attachment: uefitool.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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