On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 2:11 AM, Anthony J. Bentley <anth...@anjbe.name> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 8:12 PM, Anthony J. Bentley <anth...@anjbe.name> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 2:27 AM, Anthony J. Bentley <anth...@anjbe.name> 
>> wrote:
>>> QP/C (Quantum Platform in C) is a lightweight, open source software
>>> framework/RTOS for building reactive real-time embedded applications as
>>> systems of cooperating, event-driven active objects (actors). The QP/C
>>> framework is a member of a larger QP family consisting of QP/C, QP/C++, and
>>> QP-nano frameworks, which are all strictly quality controlled, thoroughly
>>> documented, and commercially licensable.
>>> This port includes QP/C and QP/C++, but not QP-nano, as it doesn't
>>> include a POSIX port like the others.
>>> I've seen this framework used in several embedded projects. If you
>>> want to test it, there are some simple examples (which don't make
>>> sense to install) under examples/posix that you can compile with
>>> "gmake INCLUDES=-I/usr/local/include/qpc" (or qpcpp).
>>> ok?

Still looking for oks for this port. See above for a simple way to test it.

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