
I need to manage multiple Windows ADs at work thus I made couple of
new python lib ports to have Ansible working with winrm transport
and thus have possibility to use OpenBSD and Ansible to manage remote
Windows boxes.

Tested with remote Windows 2016 with ntlm, kerberos auth.

Only thing is I'm not really sure I made correctly py-kerberos port,
I could not manage to have port-lib-depends-check without some bogus
output (read Heimdal involved here).

There's no difference between OpenBSD and other *nix system to
make winrm working. But if you would need some 'howto', I can provide


sysutils/py-winrm (default is with ntlm support)
- textproc/py-xmltodict [new]
- py-requests-ntlm [new]
  - security/py-ntlm-auth [new]
    - devel/py-six
- devel/py-six
- www/requests

sysutils/py-winrm + kerberos support

- textproc/py-xmltodict [new]
- py-requests-ntlm [new]
  - security/py-ntlm-auth [new]
    - devel/py-six
- devel/py-six
- www/requests
- (optional) www/py-requests-kerberos [new]
  - www/py-requests
  - security/py-cryptography
  - security/py-kerberos [new]

sysutils/py-winrm + credssp support
- textproc/py-xmltodict [new]
- py-requests-ntlm [new]
  - security/py-ntlm-auth [new]
    - devel/py-six
- devel/py-six
- www/requests
- (optional) www/py-requests-credssp [new]
  - security/py-ntlm-auth [new]
  - security/py-openssl
  - www/py-requests

Attachment: py-kerberos.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-ntlm-auth.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-requests-credssp.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-requests-kerberos.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-requests-ntlm.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-winrm.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-xmltodict.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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