
I have some some questions on the port / package for the Ghostwriter
markdown editor on amd64 / 6.2.

1st. I installed the editor and started using it and it worked fine.
Now it mysteriously is not translating at least some markdown into

Whereas before


would live preview / export as large bolded text reading "heading" now
it just shows in the HTML preview and export as "#heading"

Additionally I am now getting the following error.

"QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to

at start up. Whereas before I was not.

2nd. does any one know how to enable spellcheck on Ghostwriter?

I get the errors

at start up.

I have tried deleting and re-installing ghost-writer and its
dependencies and rebooting, etc.

It is really frustrating because the application was working fine the other day.

The only thing I can think of is that some other application I
installed after ghost writer changed the configuration of a shared
dependancy / environmental variable but I don't know what and I have a
limited amount of time to devote to troubleshooting right now.


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