
I'm interested in providing our software (GNUnet) and its dependency chain
through ports. As I like to work with Operating Systems and adjust my work
to their expectations:

- Do you prefer to build from ./bootstrap on (which sometimes might
  require autotools), or do you have any advice for me how OpenBSD likes
  to build packages?
  For example, you seem to build curl just as-is, but maybe there is
  a more conveniet bsd-prefered way I could integrate into gnurl?
  Node has an "BSDmakefile". So what I'm looking here for is advice
  or further reading material and opions from people working longer
  with ports for a newcomer to ports and building for OpenBSD.

- Your gnutls package in ports states:

  # OpenBSD's unbound does not provide libdane
  CONFIGURE_ARGS +=     --disable-libdane

  Here the problem is that we will optionally (in other words: we
  recommend) require a gnutls build with DANE functionality.

>From past conversations in our developer community I know that
GNUnet is not fully functional on OpenBSD. I don't recall the
full list of problems, but could I get advice and feedback here
once I run into these problems?


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