On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 01:22:31PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2018/05/30 08:03, Ken M wrote:
> > It is the lv2 port I sent previously. I can send it again or just send the
> > makefile if that makes it easier for posting this question.
> Ah - found it. Easier to include in the same mail especially if you are
> prodding for a response.
> : DISTNAME =  lv2-1.14.0
> : PKGNAME =   lv2-1.14.0
> ...
> : DISTFILES =         lv2-1.14.0.tar.xz
> : EXTRACT_SUFX =              .tar.xz
> Lots of duplication, this should just be
> DISTNAME =    lv2-1.14.0
> EXTRACT_SUFX =        .tar.xz
> : BUILD_DEPENDS =     lang/gcc/4.9
> What does this need gcc for?
> It shouldn't be used on clang arches without an *exceptional* reason
> (and in those very few cases it should use e.g. "COMPILER=ports-gcc" and
> "${CC}" instead of hardcoding). Current exceptions are asterisk (needs
> either codeblocks or gcc's nested functions; codeblocks doesn't work yet)
> and "vmm-firwmare"/seabios and I think that's it.
> : do-configure:
> :     cd ${WRKSRC} && PYTHON=${MODPY_BIN} ${MODPY_BIN} && 
> CC=${PREFIX}/bin/egcc \
> :             ./waf configure --prefix=${PREFIX} \
> :             --mandir=${PREFIX}/man
> splitting this line into pieces the second command doesn't make sense,
>   cd ${WRKSRC}
>   CC=${PREFIX}/bin/egcc ./waf configure --prefix=${PREFIX} 
> --mandir=${PREFIX}/man
> you'd want something like "${MODPY_BIN} ./waf configure [...]"

So to be doing things right I just switched my main laptop back to
openbsd so setting up and getting it on current before I continue.

Answering on the egcc requirement. lv2 puts out a lot of warnings for a
compiler less than gcc 4.6 I believe. Clang as the compiler does not
solve this. I could alter the warning supression code delivered from
upstream but I felt if upstream wanted that compiler specifically it was
best to give them that compiler.

You know the real problem with this is I have delivered nothing to
really test lv2 with. so....

Let me spin this back around once I have some of the other tools that
need this ready. Now I got a main dev station back on line soon I can
work on that. Oh and I will also get the lmms port update wrapped up.


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