
Attached is a new port, net/busybeed. The utility daemon is written
specifically for OpenBSD by me. The port was created with tweaks from Brian
Callahan (thanks!). The release source is available at
https://github.com/spoollord/busybeed, with control updates to come later, when
I have time to extend the development.

The daemon attaches to configured devices, i.e. serial devices, IoT devices,
IP addresses, etc. Think of it as an IoT packet router of sorts. I use it for
my XBee, ESP8266, and NRF24 devices. Clients connect to route and parse packets
for database ingestion, etc.

The busybeed OpenBSD daemon provides a mechanism for clients and client
processes to communicate with an array of serial and IoT devices. At
its core, busybeed is primarily a packet repeater in that it polls for
packets to swap between subscriber clients and devices. However,
busybeed also provides password control over those connections,
including client limits.

I've only been able to compile and test on amd64.



Attachment: port-busybeed-1.03.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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