I just took a look. These are a LOT of extra libraries. 

Is the first version really not ok? The version with the binaries? 
I can try to get this ~20 extra libraries working, but alone the extra effort 
for the version control seems odd in the long run.


> On 07.06.2018, at 17:25, fredl <fr...@kwondratsch.com> wrote:
> Ok thanks! 
>> On 07.06.2018, at 17:23, Solene Rapenne <sol...@perso.pw> wrote:
>> fredl writes:
>>>> On 06/07/18 14:20, Solene Rapenne wrote:
>>>> fredl writes:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> thanks for this quick review!
>>>>> I will look at this and answer with a new .tgz once I have it done.
>>>>> thanks again!
>>>>> fredl
>>>>>> On 07.06.2018, at 13:18, Solene Rapenne <sol...@perso.pw> wrote:
>>>>>> fredl writes:
>>>>>>> Hey,
>>>>>>> attached is a new port, www/hugo. hugo is a static website generator.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> pkg/DESCR:
>>>>>>> Hugo is a static HTML and CSS website generator written in Go.
>>>>>>> It is optimized for speed, ease of use, and configurability.
>>>>>>> Hugo takes a directory with content and templates and renders
>>>>>>> them into a full HTML website.
>>>>>>> Hugo relies on Markdown files with front matter for metadata.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> It should working on am64 and i386.
>>>>>>> I've only been able to test on amd64, if someone could test it on
>>>>>>> i386, it would be
>>>>>>> great!
>>>>>>> Ok?
>>>>>>> fredl
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> Your port use a binary downloaded from github, it's not the way to
>>>>>> go. It shoud be built from sources.
>>>>>> You should also change the order of variables in your makefile, you can
>>>>>> check the file infrastructure/templates/Makefile.template from the ports
>>>>>> tree as an example for reordering correctly.
>>>> for restricting to supported archs you can use this line.
>>> Hey,
>>> thanks again!
>>> This version builts from sources + I added man-pages.
>>> Is this a better version?
>>> fredl
>> portcheck is happy and the makefile looks better but your port is using
>> "go get" to download files, it's not allowed and doesn't even work
>> because the user building port is by default prohibited to get network
>> access (when you use the dedicated ports building user).
>> If your port need extra libraries, then you should make ports for those
>> libraries and add them as LIB_DEPENDS to www/hugo. If the extra files
>> are assets or static files, it can be downloaded within the port by
>> adding them to DISTFILES (you can find an example in x11/stumpwm).

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