nvm, upstream of gnome-builder seems to be stuck with the >=0.12
version of py-jedi.

I guess that we must wait for them to fix it ?
I do not know the protocol in this cases...


2018-07-06 13:38 GMT-03:00 Elias M. Mariani <marianiel...@gmail.com>:
> Alexandr was the original MAINTAINER,
> As he told me, he is busy this days and I need to update py-jedi>0.11
> to run devel/spyder 3.3.0 (another port that I'm sending to ports
> later).
> This update has a new dependency, devel/py-plaso:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=153089461311328
> The regression tests of the port returned OK.
> The only consumer is x11/gnome/builder, may I ask the maintainers to
> check if this updates have some impact on that port given that is a
> run dependency ?
> I will try it myself as well.
> Cheers.
> Elias.

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