On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 10:40:11AM +0200, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> On 2018-06-21 Christopher Zimmermann <chr...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >=20
> > the last few days I prepared an update of ocaml to 4.06 and opam to
> > 2.00rc2 and along with it updates or REVISION bumps of the dependent
> > ports.
> Here comes a reworked diff to upgrade to OCaml 4.07. (attached gzipped)
> Thanks for the testing and fixes you supplied so far.
> I believe I included all of them so far.
> I will need some help in moving sysutils/dune to devel/, because I
> imported it into the wrong category.
> Also building dune on sparc64 was broken. I suspect the stack size
> needs to be increased with ulimit -s 8192. Can someone with access to
> sparc64 please test this as I don't have access to any sparc64 machine?
> Christopher
> --=20
> http://gmerlin.de
> OpenPGP: http://gmerlin.de/christopher.pub
> CB07 DA40 B0B6 571D 35E2  0DEF 87E2 92A7 13E5 DEE1

Further information ...

Recreated clean /usr/ports and did patch -E -p0 just to make sure.

As dpb had built all the dependencies I just went into
/usr/ports/sysutils/dune and did 'make clean; make'. This failed
somewhat more verbosely and in the way it was doing before
g2k18. i.e. the trap messages. Which I have put into the output in
context, immediately following the "./boot.exe" line.

I see in this case the expected ocaml-4.07.0 dependency, so I'm not
sure what happened during the first run using dpb. Possible I got a
old log file. Which would be weird in itself.

Perhaps the [trap] messages are the root cause of the "not a bytecode
executable" messages?

Let me know of any experiments or further information that would be

=2E... Ken

=3D=3D=3D> dune-1.0+beta20 depends on: findlib-* -> findlib-1.8.0
=3D=3D=3D> dune-1.0+beta20 depends on: ocaml-=3D4.07.0 -> ocaml-4.07.0
=3D=3D=3D> dune-1.0+beta20 depends on: gmake-* -> gmake-4.2.1
=3D=3D=3D>  Verifying specs:  c m pthread
=3D=3D=3D>  found c.92.4 m.10.1 pthread.25.1
=3D=3D=3D>  Checking files for dune-1.0+beta20
`/usr/ports/distfiles/dune-1.0+beta20.tar.gz' is up to date.
>> (SHA256) dune-1.0+beta20.tar.gz: OK
=3D=3D=3D>  Extracting for dune-1.0+beta20
=3D=3D=3D>  Patching for dune-1.0+beta20
=3D=3D=3D>  Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang
=3D=3D=3D>  Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++
=3D=3D=3D>  Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc
=3D=3D=3D>  Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++
=3D=3D=3D>  Configuring for dune-1.0+beta20
=3D=3D=3D>  Building for dune-1.0+beta20
ocaml bootstrap.ml
'/usr/local/bin/ocamllex.opt' -q src/meta_lexer.mll
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/action.ml src/action_intf.ml src=
/arg_spec.ml src/artifacts.ml src/bin.ml src/binary_kind.ml src/build.ml sr=
c/build_interpret.ml src/build_system.ml src/clflags.ml src/cm_kind.ml src/=
colors.ml src/config.ml src/context.ml src/dep_path.ml src/env.ml src/error=
s.ml src/exe.ml src/file_tree.ml src/findlib.ml src/gen_meta.ml src/gen_rul=
es.ml src/glob_lexer.boot.ml src/import.ml src/inline_tests.ml src/install.=
ml src/install_rules.ml src/installed_dune_file.ml src/interned.ml src/jbui=
ld.ml src/jbuild_load.ml vendor/boot/jbuilder_opam_file_format.ml vendor/bo=
ot/jbuilder_re.ml src/js_of_ocaml_rules.ml src/lib.ml src/loc.ml src/log.ml=
 src/main.ml src/menhir.ml src/merlin.ml src/meta.ml src/meta_lexer.ml src/=
ml_kind.ml src/mode.ml src/module.ml src/module_compilation.ml src/modules_=
partitioner.ml src/ocaml_flags.ml src/ocamldep.ml src/odoc.boot.ml src/opam=
_file.ml src/ordered_set_lang.ml src/package.ml src/path.ml src/per_item.ml=
 src/preprocessing.ml src/print_diff.ml src/process.ml src/report_error.ml =
src/scheduler.ml src/scope.ml src/setup.boot.ml src/sexp.ml src/string_with=
_vars.ml src/sub_system.ml src/sub_system_intf.ml src/sub_system_name.ml sr=
c/super_context.ml src/syntax.ml src/top_closure.ml src/utils.ml src/utop.m=
l src/variant.ml src/vfile_kind.ml src/watermarks.ml src/workspace.ml > boo=
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/stdune/caml/caml.ml src/stdune/c=
aml/result.ml src/stdune/caml/result_compat.ml > boot-depends.txt
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/fiber/fiber.ml > boot-depends.txt
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/ocaml-config/ocaml_config.ml > b=
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/stdune/stdune.ml src/stdune/ansi=
_color.ml src/stdune/array.ml src/stdune/char.ml src/stdune/common.ml src/s=
tdune/comparable.ml src/stdune/either.ml src/stdune/exn.ml src/stdune/filen=
ame.ml src/stdune/hashtbl.ml src/stdune/import.ml src/stdune/int.ml src/std=
une/io.ml src/stdune/list.ml src/stdune/map.ml src/stdune/map_intf.ml src/s=
tdune/option.ml src/stdune/or_exn.ml src/stdune/ordering.ml src/stdune/pp.m=
l src/stdune/result.ml src/stdune/set.ml src/stdune/set_intf.ml src/stdune/=
staged.ml src/stdune/string.ml > boot-depends.txt
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/usexp/usexp.ml src/usexp/parser_=
automaton_internal.ml src/usexp/sexp_ast.ml src/usexp/table.ml > boot-depen=
'/usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt' -modules src/xdg/xdg.ml > boot-depends.txt
'/usr/local/bin/ocamlc.opt' -g -w -40 -o boot.exe unix.cma boot.ml
trap [ocamlopt.opt]94838/236631 type 6: sp 7f7fffbdafd8 not inside 7f7fffbd=
trap [ocamlopt.opt]94838/236631 type 6: sp 7f7fffbdafd8 not inside bc0e5a6f=
    ocamlopt src/usexp/.usexp.objs/usexp__Table.{cmx,o} (got signal SEGV)
(cd _build/default && /usr/local/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w -40 -g -I src/usexp/.u=
sexp.objs -no-alias-deps -open Usexp__ -o src/usexp/.usexp.objs/usexp__Tabl=
e.cmx -c -impl src/usexp/table.ml)
-> required by src/usexp/.usexp.objs/usexp__Table.cmx
-> required by alias src/usexp/lib-usexp.cmx-all
-> required by alias src/usexp/lib-usexp.cmi-and-.cmx-all
-> required by src/ocaml-config/.ocaml_config.objs/ocaml_config.cmx
-> required by alias src/ocaml-config/lib-ocaml_config.cmx-all
-> required by alias src/ocaml-config/lib-ocaml_config.cmi-and-.cmx-all
-> required by src/.jbuilder.objs/jbuilder__Action.cmx
-> required by src/jbuilder.a
-> required by bin/main.exe
-> required by _build/install/default/bin/jbuilder
-> required by jbuilder.install
gmake: *** [Makefile:10: release] Error 1
*** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2687 '/wrkobjdir=
*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/sysutils/dune (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.p=
ort.mk:2366 'all')

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