I don't do anything super crazy but will help give this a test as well.

Edward Lopez-Acosta

On 08/06/18 15:24, Brian Callahan wrote:
On 8/6/18 4:07 PM, Landry Breuil wrote:

thunderbird 60 is finally released, cf
https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/60.0/releasenotes/ and

The gdata-provider addon is temporarly gone but there's no binary
component in our build so one should be able to install it from the
addons manager. The lightning addon can run as an .xpi file so that also
simplifies packaging.

i have no plans *yet* to update it (will probably wait for .0.1 or
.1.0) but i'd be happy to have actual users dogfood it. I've been using
the beta branch since it was opened after 52 without issues, but i dont
use many addons and have a casual usage (ie heavy calendaring, big imap
account but nothing much).

To build it, either grab the port from
https://cgit.rhaalovely.net/mozilla-thunderbird/?h=release, the signed
package from https://packages.rhaalovely.net/snapshots/amd64/ or build
the port yourself from the attached diff (which should apply on current)


Thanks Landry. I'll be dogfooding this heavily.


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