
trondd wrote on Thu, Aug 09, 2018 at 09:05:25PM -0400:

> 2 weeks is short time.  My updates have pretty much always needed poking
> for months.  Sometimes 6 months go by and I just submit the next version. 
> You have to be patient with a small unpaid community.  Sometimes not a lot
> of people use the software that you do.
> If you want the port updated, well, even if it takes weeks to get
> comitted, you've already got the updated version, right?  Carry on with
> life.  The ports tree will catch up.
> We're all here because we enjoy it.  If you're not enjoying it right now,
> take some time away.  You don't have to be all in all the time and then
> get frustrated when things aren't happening that fast and then rage quit. 
> Temper your expectations and your goals.

Well said.

Besides, lack of feedback is not meant ad personam.  Even i, as a
developer, am sitting on two ports right now that both myself and
the maintainer consider ready for import (subsurface and libdivecomputer)
and that have also been tested by a third user but that i can't
import just yet because no other porter found the time yet to
cross-check them and provide an OK.  And it's not a good idea to
import blindly and prematurely and cause havoc in bulk builds because
that puts additional load on exactly the people who are already
working hardest.

If more people collect and demonstrate the experience to become
developers working on ports, the situation may slowly improve over
time by distributing the work of review, providing OKs, and importing
on more shoulders, but as things stand right now, patience is
definitely required.


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