Attachment fell off, sorry.

Edward Lopez-Acosta

On 8/27/18 7:58 AM, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:

This is the second dependency of the cookiecutter project which I am working on porting.

py-whichcraft is a cross platform and cross Python backport of `shutil.which` to help locate binary files on a system. It is more lightweight code for when the full shutil module is not needed.

- All tests pas, and packages build for both python2 and 3.
- No existing ports reference this module, nor are there any missing dependencies.
- I have triple checked the Makefile, PLIST, and DESCR for accuracy.

Do I need to make any changes or is this okay to merge?

Thank you in advance.

Attachment: py-whichcraft-0.4.1.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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