On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 12:29:11PM +0000, Edward Lopez-Acosta wrote:
> Wasn't sure if this was better posted here or in misc@, but seemed relevant 
> to port authors.
> Understandably package signing should be on an air gapped system, but 
> pkg_sign allows for passhrases on keys. However, it doesn't seem to remember 
> the passphrase if multiple packages are provided.

This is by design in signify... You'd have to convince tedu@ to change that.

> Even if air gapped I feel like a passphrase on a key is a good idea but it 
> makes bulk signing a pain.

You could keep the secret key encrypted, decrypt it before you sign everything
and rm the clear file once you're done.

openssl(1) has a variety of algorithms you can use for that.

Reasonably easy to script.

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