On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 08:06:39PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2018/09/26 20:15, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > On 2018/09/26 19:16, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > N.B. "Ports using KERN_CPTIME2 will need to be updated."
> > > 
> > > This is likely to cause a bunch of breakage in things reporting CPU stats
> > > and time is very short to fix them before release.
> > > 
> > > If you look after ports that do this, get onto a kernel with this change
> > > (very new commit so it probably won't be in snaps quite just yet) and
> > > test ASAP.
> > 
> > Some starting points for investigation,
> > 
> > assorted mozillas
> > collectd
> > conky
> > go
> > htop
> > libgtop2
> > net-snmp
> > node
> > pgtop
> > py-psutil
> > libuv (+ embedded copies, at least in cmake, maybe more)
> > zabbix
> From a search over extracted ports source and cleaned up (ignoring ifdefs 
> etc):
> py-psutil-5.4.3               psutil/arch/openbsd/specific.c:        mib[1] = 

For the surrounding code:

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