This updates divecmd to 0.1.3.  Attached is both the port and a patch of
the contents.  Beyond the hash, this update includes ssrf2dcmd in its
install.  This can be used for converting from Subsurface native XML
files.  More update notes:

- Clarify that pressure sensor may refer to nonexistent tanks.
Automatically add these tanks, if possible. Fix printing of tank list.

- The ssrf2dcmd(1) tool is almost completely finished. It still needs
work for decompression stops, however.

- Clarify the relationship between tanks (cylinders) and gasses. In
libdivecomputer, a dive can have disconnected cylinders and gas mixes.
In Subsurface, these are always connected. These values are now printed
and parsed properly. Allow for multiple tank pressure reports. This
happens when (for example) deco diving with a wireless gauge on both
back-gas and deco stage. Allow the vendor and product to be pulled from
Subsurface output files, as well as pressures for multiple tanks. Allow
for CNS values.

- Fix how <gasmix>es are referenced by a <gaschange>.

- Fix up how dcmd2grap(1) displays non-free (i.e., singleton) dives.


diff -urPN divecmd/Makefile /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/Makefile
--- divecmd/Makefile	Fri Aug 17 02:44:08 2018
+++ /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/Makefile	Sat Sep 29 17:28:32 2018
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 COMMENT =		download and process dive computer data
-DISTNAME =		divecmd-0.1.1
+DISTNAME =		divecmd-0.1.3
diff -urPN divecmd/distinfo /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/distinfo
--- divecmd/distinfo	Fri Aug 17 02:44:08 2018
+++ /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/distinfo	Sat Sep 29 17:28:44 2018
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (divecmd-0.1.1.tar.gz) = yexMGDjxeA/+a4WxVzhMlLPRFN3NWhx/A8rYi/H0Yvo=
-SIZE (divecmd-0.1.1.tar.gz) = 64071
+SHA256 (divecmd-0.1.3.tar.gz) = KMVg65JrV65Z0kiKSw7JWl7AfGDJyjlSjINmaaklJIE=
+SIZE (divecmd-0.1.3.tar.gz) = 68475
diff -urPN divecmd/pkg/PLIST /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/pkg/PLIST
--- divecmd/pkg/PLIST	Fri Aug 17 02:44:08 2018
+++ /usr/ports/mystuff/misc/divecmd/pkg/PLIST	Sat Sep 29 17:28:39 2018
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 @bin bin/dcmdfind
 @bin bin/dcmdls
 @bin bin/dcmdterm
-@comment bin/ssrf2dcmd
+@bin bin/ssrf2dcmd
 @man man/man1/dcmd.1
 @man man/man1/dcmd2csv.1
 @man man/man1/dcmd2grap.1
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
 @man man/man1/dcmdfind.1
 @man man/man1/dcmdls.1
 @man man/man1/dcmdterm.1
-@comment man/man1/ssrf2dcmd.1
+@man man/man1/ssrf2dcmd.1

Attachment: divecmd-0.1.3.tgz
Description: Binary data

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