On Monday 22 October 2018 19:05:44 Alexander Bluhm wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 03:21:23AM +1100, Joel Sing wrote:
> > P.S. There is more functionality that could be enabled for LibreSSL, which
> > is currently being explicitly disabled...
> When a new Net::SSLeay is released, I disable things that are not
> supported by current LibreSSL.  But how can I be informed when
> something is later added to LibreSSL?  And to which version is it
> added?

Ideally (but not always possible/easy) it should be based on functional tests, 
so that features are enabled as/when symbols become available. Failing that, 
the next best option would be the LibreSSL release notes.
> > ++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L || \
> > 0x2070000fL)
> This does not work for older versions of LibreSSL.  Our
> OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER is 0x20000000L, so it is always true.

Yup, I've messed this up (both in this diff and the others).

> In other places we use this idiom
> #if  (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L &&
> 0x2070000fL)

That works, but seems a little backwards, since you're potentially still 
evaluating LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER even when it is not defined. I think the 
following would be preferable (and I'll check what we've used elsewhere more 

#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L && \

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