On 2018/11/14 13:22, Denis wrote:
> It happened after upgrade asterisk port to an actual 13.23.1 from 6.4
> packages. I'm not using autoload from the beginning, so some changes in
> modules' dependencies show an error explicitly.
> On 11/13/2018 8:31 PM, Peter Wens wrote:
> > in modules.conf:
> > 
> > you need: autoload=yes, or res_pjproject.so loaded
> > 
> > #Pjproject common configuration (needed for RTP stack)
> > load => res_pjproject.so

I guess you probably ran into this one before Peter? There's nothing in
the trimmed console output to indicate this - actually if I disable
loading the pjproject modules to replicate this I see that it would
have been just a couple of lines above the included text :-)

Looks like this requirement started in 13.21.0 (and is further proof
that the further you move from defaults, the more likely you are to run
into problems..)

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